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Kickstarter campaign for ‘I Am Sturgis’ ends Saturday

What started for filmmakers as a way to have riders involved in their next movie project has turned into a movement. Riders who want to be a part of the I AM STURGIS project have just two days left. I AM STURGIS is the follow up to the critically-acclaimed motorcycle-culture documentary Why We Ride.

The impetus for making I AM STURGIS stems partly from this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being the 75th Anniversary of that motorcycling institution. In recent years, the Sturgis rally has drawn half a million participants, but attendance estimates for this year’s anniversary rally exceed one million riders. There may never be a better time to capture the passion, dedication and camaraderie of the motorcycling community, and there certainly is no better place than the iconic Sturgis gathering, and the filmmakers want to take advantage of this unique, seismic event.

“Why We Ride resonated with people young and old, riders and non-riders alike,” says Bryan Carroll, director of Why We Ride. “Sturgis is having their 75th anniversary, and we want to show the world the real Sturgis. As we told the real story of motorcyclists in Why We Ride we want to tell the world the real story of Sturgis in I AM STURGIS. It is so much more than what the public perceives, especially now. The Kickstarter isn’t just about raising money–it’s about joining together in a common vision and I AM STURGIS being the culmination of that vision. If everyone who reads this pledges on Kickstarter, it will allow us to tell the real story of Sturgis.”

Response to the I AM STURGIS crowd-funding drive has been strong among the professional motorcycling community. South Dakota Tourism, City of Sturgis, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum, The Buffalo Chip Campground, Law Tigers, Uhl Studios, Michael Lichter Photography, Sedlak Studios, Motorgraphics Collections, Inc., Hot Leathers, Bonnier Corporation, J&P Cycles and Whitewood Campground and Event Center are just a few of the motorcycling business interests that have committed support to I AM STURGIS. With 48 hours remaining in the campaign, Carroll and crew hope for a final push from individual motorcycling enthusiasts and Why We Ride fans to get them to their goal.

When making Why We Ride, Sturgis was the first filming location, and it had an immediate emotional effect on the filmmakers. “We connected with the people, the land and the spirit of the Black Hills,” says James Walker, producer. “There is an intense energy that emanates from the Black Hills.”

To launch the I AM STURGIS project, Why We Ride Films hopes to raise $350,000 of the production budget through their Kickstarter campaign. And while they’re on their way, there are only 48 hours left to achieve their goal. There are many contribution levels and many rewards at each level, including digital movie posters, movie downloads, movie premier passes, production credits, access to the Producer’s Private Pre-Party, and private theatrical screenings, as well as new offerings, like an exclusive David Uhl print of legendary motorcycle maven Gloria Struck, VIP passes to Michael Lichter’s Motorcycles as Art party, a handmade “Bagger” metal sculpture by James Rice and the opportunity to make it into the movie through participation in Sturgis rally rides.

“We made Why We Ride about a community,” says producer James Walker. “Now, we want to grow that community and invite the people to be a part of our next film: I AM STURGIS! There are only 72 hours left–we’re asking those with a love for motorcycling to join us.”

Why We Ride Films urges those with a passion for motorcycling to join them in bringing I AM STURGIS to the big screen. This will be a collective endeavor, made by and for people with fervor for riding.

Anyone can pledge support and be a part of the movie. To contribute to the Kickstarter campaign, visit

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