Polaris ACE division at GNCC has its first winner
As part of Polaris’ new partnership with the Grand National Cross Country Series (GNCC) to sponsor GNCC’s newly added Single Seat Class, The Maxxis General in Washington, Ga., was the first race of the season to offer the class.
Six Polaris ACE vehicles entered to vie to be the first Single Seat winner for the season. Sam Yokley, nephew to Polaris Factory racer William Yokley, took the checkered flag of the three-lap race. Doug Fortner of Brocton, N.Y., came in second and Josh Copeland, racing as part of Team UXC Racing, took third place. Polaris ACE gave away special ACE gift packs to Single Seat class entrants.
The next GNCC Single Seat Race will be at Big Buck on April 11 in Union, S.C.