
Go AZ’s Parsons to match Semper Fi Fund donations dollar-for-dollar

News release

This November, the Semper Fi Fund rounds out its 10th anniversary year with the 10 for 10 Challenge – a matching campaign with the potential to raise $10 million for wounded, critically ill and injured veterans. The challenge, issued by The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation, with support from GoDaddy, is one of the largest matching campaigns in the history of veteran non-profits. Beginning today through December 31, 2014, all donations to the Semper Fi Fund and America’s Fund will be matched, dollar-for-dollar.

Over the past ten years, the Semper Fi Fund and its program America’s Fund have assisted nearly 13,000 veterans. The Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, ensuring they have the resources needed during their recovery and transition back to civilian life.

The matching campaign represents an opportunity for donors to double the impact of their gifts to the veteran non-profit. GoDaddy customers who purchase products during this time can also elect to “Round Up for Charity” when checking out at GoDaddy. By selecting the Semper Fi Fund as the beneficiary, GoDaddy customers can effectively donate their spare change to the Challenge.

For GoDaddy Founder Bob Parsons, a U.S. Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran and a recipient of the Purple Heart Medal, Combat Action Ribbon and Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, giving back to the men and women who support our country has always been a top priority.

“The most important things I have ever learned I learned from the Marine Corps,” said Bob Parsons. “I learned there is very little we can accomplish alone. Through the ‘10 for 10 Challenge’ we have the opportunity to rally the community, raise awareness and provide much needed and deserved support to our wounded, injured and critically ill service members who have sacrificed so much to protect the freedoms we enjoy.”

“The matching challenge is a significant opportunity for all of us to step-up and strengthen our commitment to our country’s wounded veterans,” said Renee Parsons. “If you can’t give a lot, give a little; no amount is too small. Together we will make a difference.”

Both The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation and GoDaddy, the world’s largest technology provider dedicated to small businesses, have a rich history of supporting our nation’s service men and women. The 10 for 10 Challenge will be the third consecutive holiday matching campaign the organizations have spearheaded on behalf of the Semper Fi Fund. Over the last two years the campaign has helped raise more than $8 million. This year, The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation, with support from GoDaddy, hopes to help raise $10 million by providing up to $5 million in matching funds for the veteran non-profit.

“We are deeply grateful to The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation and GoDaddy for their ongoing support of our injured, ill, and wounded service members,” said Karen Guenther, CEO of the Semper Fi Fund. “They have made an amazing difference in the lives of so many families on their long journey to recovery. Their love, passion and dedication to helping our military members and families is a true inspiration to us all.”

To support our wounded, critically ill and injured veterans, visit the 10 for 10 Challenge dedicated donation page or


Additionally, you can access Bob’s annual Marine Corps birthday tribute using the following link, (The video showcases his welcome home bike, a custom painted Harley-Davidson.)

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One Comment

  1. I just looked at the email with Bob Parsons standing between a Harley and a truck and I’m wandering where I can find a grille with “USMC” for my 2013 Silverado, that’s on the truck in the email. I’m a Viet Nam vet 62 to 68, MOS 3531 truck driver, 2 1/2 ton, for 3/9. Thanks for any help on any info on the grille. Bob Jost, 314-852-7912.

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