
Industry calls for action against side-by-side regulations

Last week, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission voted 3-2 to push forward a proposed rule for mandatory product standards for recreational off-highway vehicles. Now the industry is asking for help in fighting the rule.

Americans for Responsible Recreational Access is asking members to contact their representatives in Congress to prevent the rule from being passed. The ARRA’s plea was forwarded on by the Motorcycle Industry Council and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council on Wednesday.

According to the NOHVCC email, “The proposed rule, if ultimately approved, would limit the ability of ROV manufacturers to design vehicles to safely provide the level of performance that is expected by OHV enthusiasts. CPSC voted to move forward despite the fact that the proposed rule relies heavily on CPSC assumptions, rather than on scientific conclusions drawn from relevant testing or incident data. In addition, CPSC’s proposed rule would inappropriately apply standards developed for on-highway vehicles, without ensuring that those principles apply in off-highway environments. The rule also ignores the risk of unintended consequences for vehicle users.”

To read the CPSC’s 592-page briefing package, click here.

To send an email to your Congressional representatives, click here.

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  1. what the cant you leave us alone we are off in the desert playing . you people voting on things like this havent got your shoes dirty ever, but your going to make laws that affect us on how we can go play and spend our free time. we have thousands to hundred of thousands invested in off road toys and your messing with it. last year helmet law , ok think of this what about you in a convertibal car on the freeway why arnt you in a helmet to be safe ??? or would that mess up your hair for your meetings ???

  2. Are you kidding me….is their any place else you can stick your friggin nose??what next??…will you try to limit the orgazams I have to insure my heart doesn’t get overworked??……please stay out of our recreation, if we all wanted to be safe in the eyes of the insurance commissioners we would bubble wrap ourself and sit on the porch.

  3. I think that the UTVS are very safe and need no more safety features added to it it would just take the fun out of them

  4. It’s not right for them to pass a bill when they don’t understand the off road vehicle world of people that enjoy getting out for some good riding .part of why we do is some danger and risk .so for you to try and push laws on this without knowing full knowledge of the sport is insane. I’m for it being safe but don’t enforce rules like a every day driving vehicle because that’s not what you have

  5. if I want a high performance machine to play and have a good time that should be my right. Im sick and tired of the government putting regulations on everything. My family fought for my freedom and with all these damn rules and regulations its just not a free country anymore.I can make my own decisions in my life its up to me not the government!!!! Its sad that with all the world trouble going on there going to worry about Off road vehicle size!!! Come On Man!!!!

  6. yes we want safe off road vehicles but unless u get off road in these very safe vehicles ( I own 3 my self )
    you can not text book design and build them. mfg’s have done a great job of testing and building safe off road vehicles mandates will cause many people to modify factory built units and become more un safe unless you can get off road in them you need to leave them alone

  7. We should be able to ride the road to get to were we’re going. .people wreck everyday in a body stops us from driving them..I love to ride and not everyone has and way to haul them so I see nothing wrong with it..

  8. If you actually look at the details in the CPSC report, it doesn’t a genius to figure out that the manufacturers are just being forced to add features to make the vehicles idiot proof.

    If you eliminate those riders not wearing seatbelts and not wearing helmets, the serious incident rate is miniscule. Less than driving around a city in a car.

    The manufacturers provide seatbelts and if drivers choose not to wear them then they only have themselves to blame. But these protection agencies feel the need to protect us from ourselves and force the cost onto everyone. So instead of just providing seatbelts the manufacturers have to put in an electronic warning system in every vehicle even if 90% of people wear seatbelts all the time already.

    Next stop airbags!

  9. Im gonna try to break this down as easy as I can make it. You (thats means You liberal government officials) need to worry more about fixing this country’s problems that our hard earned tax dollars pay you to do and stop making up little clicks such as the CPSC to suck the life out of us proud to be free US citizens! If i want to put my family in my utv and ride all over this country I will. If i want to load up with my buddies and hit the extreme trails around where we live I will. This isnt some third world country and you cant mandate and restrict everything we do. Ppl are gonna be killed or hurt in every activity known to man “thats life”. I think WE as off road riders have enough sense to not wanna get hurt and take every precaution to try not let that happen. So wont you do us all a favor and grow some balls and not worry about extracurricular activities we hard working Americans enjoy and call your liberal buddy in congress and tell them that this country needs to be self sufficient again and have them stop being in the shirt pocket of the president and his epa regime and put some wv and ky coalminers, some PA steelworkers, Midwest farmers and every other working trade that they have let China, Korea, Mexico, Vietnam etc.. inherit the jobs of. That seems more to me like a days work. The leaders of this country need to get there priorities in line. And we as Americans need to push and get rid of electoral votes so we as the American ppl that live in this country can decide by popular votes who leads us and not let you gravy train riding politicians decide who you want to keep in office so your jobs protected!! Im sick of the nonsense that keeps running rampant in this country. Wake up America because if you dont your getting ready to watch your own funeral! Even you pie eating government officials “if you dont start working for the better good of this country Soon”You will not have a job, family, or future to enjoy. If your to bullheaded to see that hide in your temporary office and watch. 18 trillion dollar deficit to China wont be wrote off as an IOU forever. God Bless

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