Panacea Taillights switch colors based on usage
Kuryakyn product for Harleys adds safety
By Dave McMahon
Senior Editor
An effective product that adds to a biker’s safety.
That’s what Kuryakyn has developed with its latest lighting system, the Panacea Taillights.
“It’s one of the hottest things we’re selling at the rallies and events,” said Mike Groggans, product category specialist. “It’s the only one of its kind on the market.”
The DOT-approved lights are red during usage and braking, then switch to amber when signals or emergency flashers are used. It’s a plug-and-play product and includes a three-year warranty.
“The beauty of it is the safety,” Groggans said. “So many people are being rear-ended now. They don’t have enough light in the back. They think they little lights are great. They’re not. They’ve got to value the passenger, too – not just themselves.”