E-motorcycle and scooter increase expected
The number of e-motorcycles and e-scooters worldwide is expected to hit 138 million by 2017, according to a report by research and consulting firm Pike Research.
This year, only 17 million electric motorcycles and scooters are expected to be in use.
“Electric motorcycles and scooters have strong appeal for many consumers,” Pike Research senior analyst Dave Hurst said in a press release. “They are relatively low-cost to own, do not take a lot of space and are easy to maintain, therefore making them attractive for city dwellers. Governments also like these vehicles because they can utilize existing transportation and electricity infrastructure without the congestion problems and emissions impacts of conventional automobiles.”
Worldwide, e-scooters are expected to outsell their motorcycle counterparts six to one. However, in North America, it’s anticipated that e-motorcycles will represent 59 percent of combined sales in 2017.
In addition to the units themselves, analysts expect to see growth in the battery market for electric vehicles.
The study, called “Electric Motorcycles and Scooters,” includes e-motorcycle and e-scooter forecasts and battery technology forecasts through 2017, and it profiles key industry players. An executive summary of the report is available at www.pikeresearch.com.