March 8, 2010: ATV Digest
Effort to end ban on youth ATVs nets 4,000 letters
Representatives from the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) said they recently delivered nearly 4,000 letters to Congress signed by motorcycle industry professionals who have been impacted by the lead provisions of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).
The letters were signed and collected at the recent Dealer Expo in Indianapolis.
“Our industry has a voice and we believe Congress is hearing us loud and clear,” MIC Chairman Larry Little said in a release. “The timing of the show couldn’t have been better given the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) recent recommendations.”
The CPSC recently requested flexibility to grant exclusions from the lead content limit to address certain products, including youth vehicles, in a Jan. 15 report to Congress.
“We are headed in the right direction, but we still need to have our voice heard,” MIC General Counsel Paul Vitrano said in the release. “We encourage every rider and everyone in the industry to weigh in. The Expo in Indianapolis was a great kickoff, but there are still opportunities to urge
Congress to stop the ban.”
The letters were delivered to several ranking members on Senate and House committees, including the Senate and House appropriations committees.