‘Industry Insiders’ blog debuts today
Powersports Business editors is teaming up with executives from around the industry to create a new industry forum, called “Industry Insiders.”
The blog, which debuts today, will feature insights from a number of industry officials, including OEM executives, legal experts, dealer consultants, dealer service providers as well as Powersports Business editors.
“I think you’ll be surprised at the variety of voices we’ve brought together,” said Powersports Business editors Editor Neil Pascale. “From an attorney who specializes in dealership acquisitions to OEM executives from both the metric and European segments, there’s a lot there to look over, not only today but in the weeks to come.”
To view the blog, visit http://insider.powersportsbusiness.com, or go to PowersportsBusiness.com and look on the left-hand side for the “Industry Insiders” button. Click on that button to access the page.