
Coalition raises $17,000 for land access protection – March 13, 2006

The eighth annual BlueRibbon Coalition Breakfast of Champions raised approximately $17,000 on Feb. 19 in Indianapolis for the national trail-based recreation group and its efforts to protect land access.
The Breakfast of Champions brought together off-road motorcycle racers from the past and present, folks like Skip Van Leeuwan, Malcolm Smith, John Penton, Dick Burleson, Scott Summers, Bob Hannah and Scot Hardin. In fact, the theme of the event was “A Blast From the Past,” and master of ceremonies was Rick Sieman, past editor of Dirt Bike magazine and author of the book “Monkey Butt.”
Among the items auctioned between jokes and bench-racing tales were a pair of Rekluse automatic clutches, an adventure tour, a 50cc off-road mini, original artwork and various jerseys. The highest bid of the morning — $2,600 — went toward a BlueRibbon Coalition-inscribed .50 caliber Wyoming Express revolver built by Freedom Arms.
Cycle Gear Donates $10,000
Earlier in February, Benicia, Calif.-based Cycle Gear, a retailer of motorcycle apparel and accessories, presented a $10,000 donation to the BRC.
The check symbolized Cycle Gear’s amount of matching funds donated in 2005 to the BRC via its Trail Access Fund. This is the third year Cycle Gear has matched, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000 per annum club and rider donations to the fund.
“This check presentation shows our strong support of the BlueRibbon Coalition’s efforts to successfully champion our rights to access public lands in a responsible manner,” said Cycle Gear CEO Dave Bertram. “As the popularity of off-road recreation continues to increase, I believe the business community has a responsibility to partner with access groups to protect our rights and to advocate for good management of our riding areas.”
Gas Gas Donates Enduro
Gas Gas Motors of America, LLC (GGMA) announced its support of land-use education efforts by the BRC through the donation of a new Gas Gas FSE450 motorcycle for use in the group’s trail stewardship programs. Oldsmar, Fla.-based GGMA is the importer/distributor of Gas Gas product from Spain. The fuel-injected FSE450 Enduro and its sound compliant exhaust system will be used by the BRC to help with the route inventory process on Forest Service lands, ongoing off highway vehicle (OHV) research efforts, and sound education outreach. psb

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