
NOHVCC Seeks Project Coordinator

The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council seeks a Project Coordinator, and invites interested parties to send in a resume.
A full-time position including competitive salary, medical and dental insurance, 401K and paid vacation, the Project Coordinator will assist with coordination, planning, and implementation of OHV Management and OHV Association Development Workshops; provide assistance to NOHVCC State Representatives; manage and assist in the development of educational programs; manage and maintain the NOHVCC Electronic OHV Information Library; and attend and support various OHV related events across the nation.
Qualified applicants have a strong background in OHV recreation; a willingness to travel once or twice each month; have the ability to ride off-highway motorcycles or ATVs; posses excellent verbal and written communication skills; have computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; and have the ability to manage several projects simultaneously in a “team oriented” atmosphere.
Work location may be from a home office, the Montana NOHVCC office, or the Wisconsin NOHVCC Office.
Submit resume electronically to russehnes@bresnan.net by December 23, 2004. For additional information about this opportunity, contact Russ Ehnes at his office, 406/454-9190; or on his mobile 406/899-0898.

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