Are you afraid or committed?
There are only two options regarding commitment, you’re either in or you’re out-Pat Riley
Most of us have shared common experiences in our businesses. Names and locations may be different but there’s a high probability that some of the challenges you’re dealing with today, someone else is as well. Here’s another probability: challenges have a way of rearing their ugly little heads (think of Gollum sneering at you) over and over again until you deal with them.
No matter how hard you rub the magic lamp, if you don’t address the issues that challenge your business daily you could end up with not what you wished for. You can have all the policies and procedures in the world but if you and your team aren’t committed to them, who cares? Hallelujahs won’t get you to the Promised Land if you’re not truly committed to getting there in the first place.
There are very few dealers that I visit that don’t have some idea of what needs to be addressed in their dealerships. The reasons for what needs to be done not being done tend to be similar: too busy, not enough people, we used to do that and it didn’t work, etc.
Much of the time, “we used to do that” means there was no commitment to the practice or procedure in the first place. “We tried that over and over,” means a day here, or a week there. “Too busy” is generally the accepted excuse for not doing things you know you should.
If you were to look into your magic mirror, (we all have one) what would your reflection say to you? It might say, “It’s the commitment you need, it’s the commitment!” Or is it the commitment phobia monster staring at you telling you to not worry, that everything will take care of itself?
Like Obi Won Kenobi telling Luke to use the force to defeat the evil empire, or like Yoda saying, “You do, or you don’t do,” this will always be the bottom line. I was as guilty at times in my own dealership for not addressing what I should have, when I should have. I still have my “kick me in the derriere” machine at home that I deposit a quarter into and use from time to time during my reflective periods.
There will always be challenges and issues that need to be dealt with daily. You probably have a pretty good idea of what needs to be addressed in your dealership and the challenges you may face today because of them. May the force of commitment be with you…MM
Mark Mooney is the principal of Mark Mooney Powersports Consulting, a Santa Cruz, California, company that works with OEMs and powersports dealers to strengthen dealership performance. Mark is a nationally known speaker and teacher that works with dealers throughout the United States. Mark Mooney Powersports Consulting is “empowering performance and strengthening profitability through practical solutions.”