Japan’s September Cycle Production Up 14.4%
Motorcycle manufacturers in Japan produced 168,657 units in September 2005, up 21,256 units or 14.4% compared to the 147,401 units produced during the same month last year, according to the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA).
Honda produced 56,727 units, up from 53,499 units during September 2004; Kawasaki produced 23,446 units, up from 18,511 units; Suzuki produced 47,853 units, up from 29,442 units; and Yamaha produced 40,596, down from 45,925 units.
For the first half of fiscal year 2005 – April through September – the four manufacturers produced 815,407 units, up 62,741 units or 8.3% compared to the production of 752,666 units recorded for the same period of the previous year.
Honda produced 287,964 units during the April through September period, up from 273,394 units during the same six months in 2004; Kawasaki produced 100,065 units, up from 87,704 units; Suzuki produced 220,388 units, up from 146,976 units; and Yamaha produced 206,813 units, down from 244,424 units.