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KLIM ramps up for Frozen Cow Tag Snowbike Ride

Following the success of last year’s Frozen Cow Tag and their wildly popular Cow Tag Off-Road Ride, KLIM is inviting snowbike riders to participate in a one-of-a-kind event set in their own backyard – the Island Park area in the rugged Caribou-Targhee National Forest.

This unique snowbike-only event March 11-12 will have riders spend a full day in some of KLIM’s favorite local areas, guided by GPS, in search of valuable Cow Tags. Finding these Cow Tags will earn you raffle tickets for drawings of more than $10,000 of awesome prizes. Further, individual riders will be challenged to find Cow Tags and post photos (of you, your bike, your buddies, etc next to the tag) from which a winner will be selected to get a $250 KLIM gift card!

The KLIM Frozen Cow Tag Snowbike Ride will bring together snowbike riders from all over the U.S. to celebrate this rapidly-growing sport with a great time in the Idaho backcountry. KLIM is proud to engineer purpose-built gear for snowbikers facing demanding conditions, and you’ll be riding some of the same areas that help them develop their gear.

This ride is meant to be enjoyable for everyone and honorable sportsmanship is expected from participants. Please do not participate in or encourage cheating to accumulate more tickets than you fairly earned. This unfair practice goes against the spirit and purpose of the Frozen Cow Tag and discourages sponsors from participating in the future. Those found cheating will be disqualified from participating in the raffle. Ride hard and play fair.

To register for the Frozen Cow Tag, view the schedule and for more information on event guidelines visit


•             Registration opens January 14, 2021

•             Fees are $125 per person (refundable)

•             Registration limited to 150 people


•             Dinner and live music at Cafe Sabor on March 12

•             Thousands of dollars in prize drawings

•             Entry to win one of nine $250 KLIM gift cards

•             1 raffle ticket (in case you can’t find any cow tags)

•             Frozen Cow Tag exclusive event hat

•             KLIM sticker

•             GPS waypoints/tracks provided


•             Minimum 1 GPS required per group

•             Mandatory avalanche safety gear: beacons, shovels, probes (must be shown when signing in)

•             Participants must be 18 years or older

•             Snowbikes must display Idaho snow registration tags, which can be purchased at Robin’s Roost (either resident or non-resident tags if visiting from out of state)

•             Due to the nature of the Frozen Cow Tag Snowbike Ride, traditional snowmobiles will not be permitted

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