Record-breaking years the result of improvements
Crossroad Powersports strives for continued excellence
In the powersports industry, a need for innovation and a dedication to improvement are some of the attributes that help dealerships remain successful. Add that to a friendly staff, great customer service and a family atmosphere, and you have a recipe for success. Crossroad Powersports, a 2014 and 2015 Powersports Business Power 50 dealership located outside Philadelphia in Upper Darby, Pa., first opened 19 years ago. The dealership carries Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa, Piaggio and recently added BRP.

“Business this year has been booming. We are up considerably. We’ve been having the best months we’ve ever had,” said Derek Osner, parts & accessories manager at Crossroad Powersports. “We’ve broken every record every month. It’s the best year we’ve ever had.”
Osner added that Crossroad Powersports is one of the largest dealerships in Philadelphia, and it takes pride in being a great place to “stop in and hang out.”
With a combined 23,000 square feet of space among three buildings, Crossroad has an extensive inventory and still plans to expand in the next year. “Essentially we try and improve our store every year, and luckily we are able to do different things in the store to try and make it a better experience for our customers,” Osner said. “This upcoming winter — we have an architect drawing it up now — we’re putting another 12,000-square-foot second level on the store, just so we can accommodate the growth the we have had.”
The second level expansion will play host to Crossroad’s newest OEM BRP and include a customer lounge, elevator and staircase. Osner says the goal is to put more models and more colors on the floor that customers might typically only see in pictures. “If they can feel them and touch them, customers are more adept to buy,” he added. The dealership now features Can-Am Spyders and side-by-sides, with hopes to pick up ATVs in the near future.
The Kawasaki Vulcan S, ZX-10 and Yamaha R3 are the main contenders when it comes to sales, but Osner says multiple manufacturers across the board have done consistently well.
“We’ve sold more dual sport than probably ever before this year, not in the bigger lineups, but in the smaller segments. The CRF 250L and the Yamaha 250 — we’ve done very well with those this year,” Osner explained. “I personally ride a ZX-10 so that’s going to be my favorite bike on the floor,” he said.
Crossroad is committed to serving its customers and making each person who walks into the dealership feel at home. “It’s a friends-first mentality. This is not a car dealership — it’s a motorcycle dealership. People come in here, and it’s all high-fives and hugs; everybody smiles, and there’s never down time here at Crossroad,” Osner said.

Customer outreach doesn’t end outside the dealership. Crossroad plans multiple events a year both at the dealership and in the community to promote its brand, make a difference and generally have a good time. With more than 7,500 likes on Facebook, the dealership has made moves toward a social media-heavy marketing plan, one that has increased the awareness in the area and helped customers get a feel for the dealership before they even visit.
The dealership also participates in several rider groups, including a cruiser club and Next Level Riders, for which Osner serves on the board of directors. “They meet here about once a month, and we have a meeting room specifically for them. … We’re in Philadelphia so there’s a huge riding club presence. We try to cater to them as much as possible.”
The Next Level Riders have helped the dealership with crowd control at several highly attended events, including a biannual open house that features a wheelie machine, prize giveaways and great Philly cheesesteaks.
In previous years, community outreach opportunities have included delivering Toys for Tots to sick children and raising money for the Warrior Dog project. Crossroad has participated in the Toys for Tots Run in Philadelphia for the past 16 years, and Osner says it’s very rewarding for everyone involved.
“It’s a great experience for everybody, especially when they used to have it going to the hospital. You’d see the looks on all the kids’ faces seeing thousands of bikers coming through the door, and it puts a different perspective on us as ‘bikers.’”
In addition to dealership events, Crossroad hosts track days for consumers as a way to make them more comfortable and educated riders. “I’m a pro road racer myself, and I’ll go out there and give some pointers or things like that. Anyone who wants to try the track, we get them out there,” said Osner.

Crossroad plans to continue its dealership focus on community involvement and catering to its customers, a practice that has become less of a job and more a way of life. “We’re just being us. We’re not trying to do anything special,” Osner added. “A friendly handshake and a smile certainly go a long way.”