It doesn’t take a genius …
Today’s world is fascinated with the term genius. Everywhere you turn another successful person has been crowned a “genius”. From CEOs to Internet entrepreneurs, from musicians to engineers, today’s society is quick to attribute the achievement of great success to being born a genius. Research the lives of many of these geniuses however, and you will find the word “commitment” in place of “genius” when they discuss the reasons for their success. For those of us with an IQ score under 170, this is good news … or bad news depending on your perspective. Real genius is easy (you’re born with it); real commitment is hard. How committed are you to success in powersports in the year ahead?
In his book “We Can Do it” boy genius and soon-to-be UCLA graduate, 14-year-old Moshe Kai Cavalin explains how his success in his various endeavors comes not through “genius” but simple acts as keeping focused and approaching everything with total commitment.
What areas of your dealership are lacking the commitment to be successful in the year ahead?
- Have you committed to a formal sales process and an automated tool to support it?
- Have you committed to training your team to execute the process every time they greet a customer?
- Have you committed to holding your sales team and managers accountable for required follow up activity levels?
- Have you committed to doing targeted and mass e-mail marketing to drive door swings instead of simply reacting to them?
These items are simple, not genius. Nor does it take a genius to accomplish them. What they do take is commitment. I am sure as you look around your store, you could create a similar list for each department in the dealership, not just the sales floor.
President Calvin Coolidge was not a genius, nor did he hold genius in such high regard as a contributor to success, as evidenced in this excerpt from my favorite quote of his: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. …”
Make the COMMITMENT to yourself, to your team and to your customers to be successful in 2012. This simple act is the critical step to success in the year ahead. There is no genius required, just hard work.
Good luck and good selling.
Mark Hoadley is national sales manager of V-SEPT Inc. Mark has more than 20 years of experience helping business and powersports dealers to create, improve and manage customer relationships through technology and business processes. V-SEPT Inc. is a provider of integrated customer relationship management and follow-up marketing tools to the powersports, marine and RV industries.
Well put, Mark, but what about commitment in the service department ? Thanks, Mike Wickern, Owner & Head Wrench, Blackdog Motorsports Ada, MN