Former dealership owner joins CDK Global Recreation
News Release
CDK Global Recreation, a division of CDK Global, Inc., welcomes David Martin as a new Lightspeed Regional Sales Manager in the northeast region for CDK Global Recreation. David has 25 years in sales management in the powersports, marine and auto industries in the New York area. Before joining CDK, he was a Dealer Principle at Oakdale Cycle & Marine New York and General Manager of New York City Harley-Davidson. His experience in the powersports and marine industries provide him a unique and well-rounded understanding of the dealers, processes and products inside top-performing dealerships. David Martin has a long track record of using the best business practices and technology to manage a business profitably with sustainable future growth.
“The Lightspeed solutions are the most complete of any DMS on the market,” said David Martin. “I have been using Lightspeed in my dealerships for a number of years and I am excited to join CDK and offer Lightspeed to dealerships seeking to improve their business.” The Vice President of Sales for CDK Global Recreation, Laurn Rice, also commented on his excitement to have David join the Lightspeed sales force at CDK. “David will prove to be an asset to our division,” commented Rice. “His experience in the industry is top-notch and he relates well to dealers because he’s been there; he’s lived that life.”
David will manage the Northeastern United States and work with dealers in the powersports, marine, and RV industries. You may contact David Martin directly at 801-519-7511 or at