Kolpin closes on purchase of ATV division of Cycle Country
Kolpin Outdoors, Inc. announced that as of Dec. 31, it has closed on the transaction to purchase the ATV Accessories product line from Cycle Country Accessories Corp.Cycle Country will continue to manufacture the ATV Accessories products for Kolpin through March.
In order to insure a seamless transition and continuity for Cycle Country’s distribution partners, Kolpin has also announced that it will hire certain Cycle Country employees in the sales, customer service and product development/engineering areas and will maintain a physical office and R&D center location in Spencer, Iowa.
“We are very pleased to be able to bring Cycle Country into the Kolpin Powersport family of brands,” Kolpin President/CEO Tom Lutes said. “We have spent many years developing the culture, brand, product and distribution strategies that have brought Kolpin to the forefront of the industry. As the new steward of the Cycle Country brand, we fully intend to apply those same principles in projecting it to the next level. Job No. 1 is to build a strong foundation to ensure we are serving our Powersport distribution and dealer partners in a timely, efficient and quality manner. Once we are confident the foundation is solid and in in place, we will begin driving innovative product development and more aggressive brand marketing at both the trade and consumer level.”
Cycle Country will be managed as an independent product brand under the Kolpin Powersports family and will remain as an exclusive brand of products to the Powersport distribution/dealer channel. Certain elements of the brand activity will be integrated into Kolpin, but dedicated resources for sales, customer service and engineering will be maintained for the Cycle Country brand.
“We are taking the reins of Cycle Country well into this year’s snow season, thus we will have minimal ability to impact the supply for this season,” Kolpin executive vice president Mike Stone said. “However, we are hard at work at putting in place a world class supply chain, both domestically and off-shore. Our mantra, in fact our guarantee, is that we will have adequate supply of product on the shelves well before the snow starts flying in the upcoming season. As we speak, our supply chain partners are already tooling up and producing product for the 2012-13 season.”