MIC, SVIA protest Youth ATV and motorcycle ban
The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA) are working to reverse the prohibition of youth ATVs and motorcycles, according to the organizations’ press release.
The U.S. Government banned sales of many of these models under the lead-content provisions of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The petitions are stating, through the scientific analysis required by the CPSIA, the lead-containing parts of youth ATVs and motorcycles don’t pose a risk of increasing the lead levels in children 12 and younger.
The organizations are hosting a full court press at Dealer Expo, held Feb. 13-16 in Indianapolis. They’ll have pre-printed letters, which can be signed and sent to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), says Paul Vitrano, general counsel for the MIC and SVIA. People can also visit the Americans for Responsible Recreational Access, www.ARRA-access.com, which has a letter generator for people to reach their own members of Congress.
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, however, includes provisions that enable the CPSC to grant exclusions for products on a case-by-case basis.