
American Motorcyclist Association urges safe driving and riding on July 4 weekend

News Release

With the long Independence Day weekend approaching, the American Motorcyclist Association urges everyone on the roads to remain alert, drive sober and watch for motorcyclists.

“The holidays always mean more traffic on the road and more vehicles can easily result in more crashes,” said Rob Dingman, AMA president and CEO. “Typically, the Fourth of July weekend is a time for family outings, trips to the lake and get-togethers with good friends. Traveling to and from those events, a driver’s attention could drift, crowded cars can add distractions and, of course, alcohol consumption increases the danger even more.”

All those factors combine to increase the vulnerability of motorcyclists on the highways this weekend.

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that Independence Day weekend is second only to Thanksgiving as the deadliest holiday for motorists. And more than half of fatal Fourth of July crashes involve at least one drunk driver.

“We encourage all drivers and riders to be extra cautious this weekend,” Dingman said. “Keep your eyes on the road. Be aware of the vehicles around you. And be prepared to take action to avoid a crash. The July 4 holiday is a time to celebrate the great achievements of our nation and to enjoy the benefits of America’s hard-won freedoms, including the freedom to travel safely on our vehicles of choice.”

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