Dec. 25, 2006 – PWC Report
Monterey Bay mulls PWC ban
Tow-in surfers have made the mammoth swells of California’s Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) a virtual playground, but a plan under consideration may make the popular surf spot off limits.
In October, managers of this 276 miles of coastline made public a proposal that would ban personal watercraft from several highly recognizable surf spots, including Maverick’s, located north of Half Moon Bay, and Ghost Tree, near Pebble Beach. While proponents of the ban see it as a means to protect marine life, many tow surfers feel the public is being misled.
“All of this is really a regulation issue and not really an environmental issue as opponents have made it out to be,” said Eric Akiskalian, president of the Association of Professional Towsurfers. “This is also being driven by some surfers not wanting tow surfers or PWC anywhere in the MNNMS and using the environmental card to get their way.”
No PWC for N. Korean Leader
In what has got to be one of the stranger export bans in recent years, U.S. leaders have decided to block the sale of numerous items to North Korea in an apparent attempt to “aggravate” leader Kim Jong-il. Included in the list of prohibited items are many of Jong’s favorite toys, including iPods, plasma TVs, Segway scooters, and, you guessed it, personal watercraft.
The notorious leader will no longer be able to get any of these items through legitimate export. Of course, if Jong-il can make North Korea into a nuclear power and leave much of the world guessing as to his intentions, we’re guessing he still might be able to get his hands on that hot new 250-hp Kawasaki Ultra should he so choose. After all, there’s always eBay… psb