IronHorse changes management structure – November 13, 2006
American IronHorse (AIH) has switched management structures, opting for now to hire a chief operating officer rather than replace its former chief executive officer.
The Fort Worth, Texas V-twin motorcycle manufacturer recently hired R.B. “Buck” Hendrickson as the company’s COO. Hendrickson will oversee corporate manufacturing operations, a role that former CEO Wil Garland performed. Garland resigned from AIH on Aug. 31 to become president of Cannon Solutions, a $3.2 billion subsidiary of IMI plc.
Garland’s other duties, overseeing the finance and sales sides, will be taken over by Dwayne Moyers, chairman of AIH’s board of directors.
Moyers has been a rare consistent presence at the executive level for AIH as the company had a couple of short-term CEOs before Garland was hired in 2004.
“To maintain continuity, it’s best that I stay as the working chairman and have a chief of operations,” Moyers said in an interview with Powersports Business.
The company has not had a chief of operations since 2002.
Hendrickson, who has 15 years of experience as an executive in production and manufacturing, takes over that role and will concentrate first on finding cost savings in the company’s production line.
Before joining American IronHorse, Hendrickson was CEO for Florida-based Specialty Elastomers Technology, a manufacturer of injection molded rubber products.
Hendrickson also has led engineering and product development initiatives for other manufacturers, including in the automotive, agriculture, construction, firearms, government and law enforcement industries. His background includes working 10 years as plant production manager for Chrysler Corp., where he developed a new tooling design.
Where Hendrickson will focus on production, Moyers will oversee sales and finance, a role the AIH board asked him to fill. Moyers also is chairman and CEO of Xponential Inc., a major AIH shareholder and diversified investment company that’s holdings include a chain of pawn stores in Georgia and North Carolina.
Besides overseeing top management for a company, CEOs often set a firm’s strategic direction. Moyers said, “I can fill that role with the senior management staff that have been here long term.”
Under the new management structure, will AIH’s senior management have additional responsibilities?
“I don’t see their role increasing or diminishing any,” Moyers said. “The senior management have always had a very, very important role in our company.” psb