Kawi Canada Signs with GE Finance
GE Consumer Finance, a provider of financial services to consumers and retailers in 41 countries, announced the launch of a new consumer finance program with Canadian Kawasaki Motors.
The exclusive three-year agreement will allow Kawasaki dealers in Canada to offer special credit promotions and long-term financing to consumers through a new program called Kawasaki Motors Retail Finance. The new program will enable approximately 200 dealers from Newfoundland to British Columbia to offer special financing terms to consumers, including $99-a-month financing on selected products. Consumers also will be able to choose from among a number of no-payment and low-interest rate programs.
Canadian Kawasaki Motors Inc. was established in 1979 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) based in Japan. More information about GE Consumer Finance can be found online at www.geconsumerfinance.com.