Dealer Consultants

Goldmine: Girls with Grit

Leslie Prevish Blog 8-13“These girls are future leaders,” I said, as I watched pony-tails fly and muddy faces grimace during the freezing cold Cyclocross Nationals Junior bike race. Girls with Grit. They’re participants in life; not observers. And they bring others along for the ride. How can you bring these chicks with steel ovaries into your brand; taking advantage of a goldmine for profit and referrals?


They’re everywhere there’s action and adventure. Motorsports races, climbing gyms, and I bet a few hang out at the pool hall. Don’t waste a bunch of money on mall kiosks. Yes, a butt load of women are there. But they aren’t your key target. Unless they got dragged there by a friend. Review the tips about finding Adventurous Ashley in my previous article, Luring 3 Types of Women.

Ask your current female buyers what their other hobbies are. Find a local Meetup group with “adventure” in the name (then take your brand to places they hang out. Skip the boring banners and dorky table, instead try to integrate and interact. Make it fun. Show them how your brand can give them an adventurous challenge.


“The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he’s dead,” said Bette Davis. Whether it’s learning to ride, taking on her first overnight trip, or setting off on a weeklong adventure, the ears of these Girls with Grit perk up when they hear about new opportunities. Explain how taking on, and succeeding, at this challenge helped other women get stronger, more confident and just plain happier. Give them the steps to get there, so the goal seems manageable. Encourage them to get friends to do it with them and share the glory of accomplishment.


What’s in it for her? Free gear after conquering the goal? Inclusion of her inspiring story on your website or social media? Think about the emotional and tangible benefits she’ll appreciate and remember. What unique piece of jewelry or fun sculpture will she show others and treasure? Find a reward that will remind her of how your brand made her feel alive, and challenged her to overcome any fears. Remember though, she doesn’t want to be alone. …

Role Models

Tell her stories through video and photos of other Girls with Grit who succeeded at this goal. Use examples of women who have overcome challenges and may not look like a typical “tough chick” who conquers the world. Having more relatable women will make her think, “If she could do it, so can I!” When you go to places she hangs out, take a woman who’s accomplished this goal to talk about how she did it. Caution: Make sure she’s a welcoming personality and doesn’t intimidate others!

Use the quote below in your social media, on your website or in your promotional material. If she’s a Girl with Grit, it will be her mantra:

Risk more than others think is safe.

Care more than others think is wise.

Dream more than others think is practical.

Expect more than others think is possible.

~ Claude Bissell

A rider for 24 years, Leslie spent 15 years with Harley-Davidson (three retail, 12 corporate) and created their marketing to women role in 2007. She spearheaded Women Riders Month and a Garage Party Campaign which drove 25,000 women to dealers. After two years at Trek Bicycles, Leslie now helps companies sell more to women. 




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  1. Attention grabbing title! Makes everyone raise an eyebrow in curiosity as they click the mouse on this article!
    I couldn’t agree more. In the midwest snowbelt, we have to look for seasonal fillers and ways to amp them up anyway possible. We support WOMEN ON SNOW, an organized group of women riders on snowmobiles. In our speed run and drag race venues for sleds we have teamed up with Snow Divas snow apparel and offer free and bonus gear to all women participants thus increasing their involvement and recognizing them further into a family sport. In the racing snowmobile segment mostly dominated by males, young and old, we’ve shown the biggest part of our show is the brave women raising over $30,000 last year with a bikini run on snowmobiles to benefit PINK RIBBON RIDERS, a breast cancer research organization. We are in our 11th year of doing this, so imagine the money raised for a great cause, thanks to women’s involvement. Others see what some are doing and step up to be involved, further growing the cause and sport. Same thing applies to summer sports, for us mostly bike riding and boating/pontooning. Its amazing to see how many women are riding atvs. sometimes its and couples thing, sometimes a lead in to family sporting. Looking at it from a RV angle, camping starts with couples and families, so tying other sports to RVing helps keeping the female involved in other things…. sometimes the mom takes the lead in these activities mentoring other females. Good article, keep it up!

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