Dealership offers support of proposed private Wash. MX park; county opposition grows
Powersports Business received the following Enews note this morning from Smokey Point Cycle Barn in Marysville, Wash.
Motocross in Granite Falls needs your immediate help!
Our motorsports community needs your help NOW!
Please Google “mxgp granite falls” and check out their Facebook page for details on the current situation. This privately funded motorsports park is facing a negative vote by the Snohomish County Council this coming WEDNESDAY MORNING.
Gary Strode has spent years and serious money to get this project off the ground in Granite Falls. It has been vetted and passed by the county planning commission and has endured several appeals from a couple of local citizens in Granite Falls. The Granite Falls mayor, city council and local business want this park. Strode has bent over backward to accommodate every issue brought up, but the appeals continued – and now it appears they have gotten in the back door of the county council. At last Wednesday’s council meeting several members admitted that they had received campaign contributions from those opposing the park – only to say that this would not impact their decision on the matter. REALLY?
Snohomish County has one of the largest populations of off-road enthusiasts in our state, but very few places to ride. Many counties would welcome private investment to build recreation opportunities for its citizens. It seems wrong in this age for Snohomish county motorcyclists to have to drive long distances out of the county to enjoy their sport.
Please join Cycle Barn in the support of MXGP and email the council members asking them to support this family sporting opportunity in Snohomish County. Even if you do not live in the county, please express that you would come to MXGP to ride – spending money in the community!
Council Member Email Addresses
Brian Sullivan
Dave Somers
Ken Klein
Stephanie Wright
Terry Ryan
Finally, we need support in Everett on WEDNESDAY MORNING! Let the council see YOU, the motorsports riders and families, showing YOUR support for MXGP in Granite Falls. Anything and everything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.
Ride on,
Your Cycle Barn Family