MIC’s Revive Your Ride! Spring Giveaway starts in April
The Motorcycle Industry Council’s Revive Your Ride! Win Big Spring Giveaway will be back, bigger and better for 2012. Scheduled to run from April 15 through June 30, the promotion offers powersports customers a chance to win cash and product giveaways.
Last year, nearly 600 dealers and thousands of consumers participated in the promotion leading to 50 lucky winners.
You can be a part of Revive Your Ride! In three very simple, important ways:
- Encourage your retailers to participate in the Spring Promotion
- Donate product, service or cash to be given away in the promotion
- Click here for the Prize Donation Form
- Your donation will be supported in all promotional marketing materials, on entry cards, websites, ads, posters, and more.
- Your donation will be delivered to the winner in via their participating RYR dealer in July and August 2012
- Support Revive Your Ride! on your websites and in communications with your retailers and consumers.
Promotion details will be posted later this month on the updated web sites. In the meantime, please send in your prize donations.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Hicks at 949-727-4211 X3045 or khicks@mic.org or Cam Arnold at 949-727-4211 X3045 or carnold@mic.org.
To find out more – go to MIC.ORG/reviveyourride