Jul. 12, 2010 – Custom Chrome expands in Mexico
Custom Chrome will open a news sales office in Manzanillo, Mexico. Anticipated to be open July 1, the office will be headed by Manuel Moreno, announced the company in a press release.
The office will offer V-twin dealers in South America the opportunity to receive regular visits from a Custom Chrome road representative, receive product quickly and efficiently and will allow them to learn about the latest in V-twin parts and accessories.
“We have been looking at South America for some time and opening this new office fits with our corporate goals of expanding both domestically and globally and becoming a dealer’s ‘Preferred Industry Partner’ no matter where the shop is located,” Custom Chrome CEO and President Holger Mohr stated in the release. “With entrenched offices and distribution like we have on other continents and in other countries, having new expansion in developing markets just makes sense. ”
The new Custom Chrome South American office joins Custom Chrome Europe, Custom Chrome Japan and six satellite sales offices around the world. psb