QuadBoss celebrates 15th anniversary in 2016
When QuadBoss was first launched in 2001, it was with two products designed for ATV riders: tire sealant and plows. Today, QuadBoss is going strong with an extensive product line, high-quality color catalog and website.
“We have the drive to become the NAPA of the ATV/UTV world,” said Jason Baldwin, brand manager for QuadBoss. “We have gone from two products to a line that features everything from lights to winches, garden implements, windshields and all the things you need to keep your ATV or UTV running. We want to provide our riders with everything they need to keep riding and not in the shop fixing it.”
Everyone at QuadBoss is committed to the continual growth of the brand. In addition to its new catalog and website, QuadBoss is the sponsor for a variety of different ATV/UTV activities.

“We sponsor Pro 4×4 rider Bryan Buckhannon. We just entered into a sponsorship with Fit-N-Wise in an effort to give something back to the community. Fit-N-Wise works out of Wise County (Texas) Health to support ATV and motocross riders at races as well as spread healthy living awareness throughout the community,” Baldwin said.
“We are also getting set to host the 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser. Last year we raised quite a bit of money for the foundation and earned the title ‘Catalyst of Hope,’” he added.
The most recent venture includes sponsoring the Amazon Trail at the Burning Rock Outdoor Adventure Park in West Virginia. “You need a winch to get through the trail, and riders will be using a QuadBoss winch. It’s exciting.”
QuadBoss continues to grow and has some serious goals for the next 15 years.
“We want to be the primary supplier for ATV/UTV products and services. If you walk into a dealer looking for a part or tires, the dealer will immediately go to our catalog because we will have what you need,” Baldwin said. “‘Aggressive, fun, rugged, dependable.’ That is our motto, and we stand by it. Our goal is that everyone who rides comes to us for everything they need.”
As the man who developed and introduced the QuadBoss brand, this story is 100% false. Tire sealant was not intro’ed until a few years after brand launch. Also, Soft Luggage, ramps, a winch and a few others were in the initial roll out. Don’t re-write history.