Are you a tour guide for your customers?
Tim Mayhew, the ringleader of Pashnit Motorcycle Tours in Northern California, reports that business is booming, and this year’s tours are nearly all sold out. Demand from repeat customers is so strong that Mayhew has had to increase the number of annual tours just to meet demand from repeat customers. Mayhew’s customers clearly have the time of their life on these tours, which they enjoy not only for the motorcycle riding but also for the adventure and the camaraderie.
How can your dealership turn that “time of their life” motorcycle customer experience into dealership revenues and profitability? Play dealership tour guide for your customers, enticing them to use their motorcycles not only for riding but also for adventure and camaraderie.

A motorcycle parked in the garage gathering dust is the first step toward a customer deciding to sell their bike and spend their time doing something else instead. Savvy dealerships will help remind their existing customers why they enjoy owning and riding their motorcycles.
How often do your salespeople call to invite customers to come along on dealership rides or pass along details about upcoming motorcycle tours through companies such as Pashnit? If your dealership has already done the hard part and sold a motorcycle to a new customer, take the next step and make sure that your customer remains a rider and remains your customer.
Fran O’Hagan is president and CEO of Pied Piper Management Company LLC, a Monterey, Calif., company that works with motor vehicle manufacturers and dealers to maximize performance of dealer networks. One of Pied Piper’s most popular services for the powersports industry is Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index(PSI) sales mystery shopping to help turn more motorcycle shoppers into motorcycle buyers.