1. Be engaging.
“Twitter is a perpetual stream of conversation,” said Jay Mason of Dealer Spike. “Staying engaged will help you from becoming swallowed in the sea of social media. Post relevant and interactive material. RideNow Powersports (@RideNowPwrsprts) stays active and involved by posting a variety of types of tweets from traffic alerts, contests and pictures of events. Two tweets a month on what you had for breakfast isn’t going to show you’re an active participant in the powersport community.”
2. Share pictures.
“Pictures and video are the most shared content on social networks and gives your followers a chance to see what you see,” reported Josh Chiles of Engaged! A Social Media Firm. “Share pictures of behind the scenes, of new inventory coming off the truck, of your staff and of your customers.”
3. Don’t be too serious.
“Twitter is meant to be less structured,” said KTM’s Jon-Erik Burleson. “If a dealer holds an open house, find some guys on Twitter who came, tell them you had a great time visiting with them, thank them for coming and add something like ‘And why did you crash our demo bike?’ That’s the stuff that going to get retweeted. It’s a social network that’s about interaction, so if you get too corporate, you can miss the point of it all.”
4. Improve your search engine placement by optimizing your tweets.
“Identify keywords that describe your dealership and be sure to incorporate them in your tweets,” explained Dave Valentine of PowerSports Network.
5. Stay committed.
“The key with Twitter is once you are committed to the tool, you have to keep at it,” said Chaz Rice of Can-Am. “Without attention, you won’t get any response from followers and no retweets.
6. Let customers get to know you.
“I tweet about business a little, but it’s mostly personal stuff — about my family and riding with my kids. Twitter allows you to convey who you are,” Burleson explained.
7. Listen.
“Don’t forget to listen to your audience,” Mason said. “Retweet posts from your followers and others involved in the industry. Listen for your audience’s interests to utilize your followers as a focus group.”
8. Keep your tweets to 120 characters.
“This leaves room for your followers to retweet your message to their followers and add a short message, comment or reply,” Chiles said.
9. Stay on message and focus.
“Don’t have too many updates in a day or you will annoy followers, however, make sure you stay relevant to your followers by keeping them regularly updated,” Rice explained.
10. Use Twitter’s search feature.
“Monitor the conversation about you as well as your competitors,” Valentine recommended. “This allows you to address any complaints that customers may be tweeting about your dealership. It also gives you the opportunity to offer your services to customers who may be tweeting issues about your competition.”