V-Twin Expo dealer attendance increases by 8 percent
News release
The 2015 V-Twin Expo wrapped up in Cincinnati on February 8th with positive reactions from both exhibitors and attending dealers. With an 8% increase in dealer attendance, spectacular weather and over 20 new exhibitors, the V-Twin Expo delivered great results to all in attendance.
With nearly 200 exhibitors, the V-Twin Expo welcomed motorcycle dealers from over 40 states across the US plus many, many countries around the world. V-twin motorcycle dealers came looking for the latest trends in the v-twin industry, newest products and learning opportunities and the exhibitors delivered in spades.
Increased dealer registrations were clearly visible Saturday and Sunday. Long running exhibitors as well as new exhibitors spoke about the overall success of the show. At show close, exhibitor renewal rates for the 2016 V-Twin Expo, taking place February 6th and 7th at the Duke Energy Center, are well ahead of last year.
Exhibitors spoke highly of both the traffic and the quality of dealers present at the V-Twin Expo.
The location of the V-Twin Expo continues to prove accurate as pointed out by Ryan Keefe of NPA: “We like this location because we have a ton of dealers within a 500 mile radius of the show.”
Recently, show management reserved the Duke Energy Center for multiple years moving forward. The 2016 V-Twin Expo show dates are February 6th and 7th 2016.
For 2016 exhibitor and dealer information, please visit us at: www.vtwin-expo.com.
For more info and to see videos, visit us online: Facebook at V-Twin Expo, Twitter @VTwinExpoCincy and YouTube.