
Jul. 12, 2010 – Suzuki overcomes sales decrease

Suzuki Motor Corp. finished its fiscal year in the black despite suffering a double-digit percentage decrease in sales.
Suzuki recently outlined its fiscal year with an online report that shows the manufacturer finishing its fiscal 2009 year with an increase in net income. Suzuki’s net income totaled $329 million.
The company’s worldwide sales fell nearly 18 percent in its fiscal year, which ended March 31. Its sales in North America were off even more, falling nearly 43 percent from a year ago.
The company’s motorcycle and ATV sales volume in North America decreased to 52,000 units. That’s a decline of 54 percent as Suzuki’s previous fiscal year volume totaled 114,000 units.
Suzuki also saw motorcycle division sales declines in Europe and Asia. Its European sales volume of 94,000 units represented a 36 percent reduction from the prior year and Asia’s unit sales decreased 26 percent.
Suzuki was able to finish in the black because of its internal cost reduction efforts and favorable sales of autos in Asia, the company said in its fiscal report.
Revenue for Suzuki’s autos, by far its biggest sales division, decreased worldwide by less than 14 percent. Its marine sales, however, fell by nearly 43 percent. PSB

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