Sept. 5, 2005 – Custom Chrome Dealer Show, Nov. 17-19
Custom Chrome’s 19th annual dealer show will be held in Las Vegas, November 17-19, during Advanstar’s Big Twin West exposition. Moving the event from its Morgan Hill base will allow the company to better serve vendors and dealers, company officials said.
“Custom Chrome has always been an innovator throughout it’s more than thirty five year history and this new approach to how we conduct our dealer show is born out of that same innovation,” said John Lott, CEO of Global Motorsport Group, Inc., the parent company of Custom Chrome.
The event will be held at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. The format of the show will include an exclusive show “preview” on Thursday evening, November 17, open only to Custom Chrome vendors and dealers as well as a private sales floor area where Custom Chrome sales representatives and dealers can easily and discreetly conduct business.
The weekend’s agenda will also include a host of entertainment features including an industry awards gala on Friday night and the AMD ProShow, the official world championship of custom bike building, presented by Custom Chrome on Saturday night.
Custom Chrome dealers will also enjoy a private function on Saturday night following the AMD ProShow as well as various additional exclusive entertainment and hospitality features.
“We are fully cognizant that we are trading some exclusive face to face time with our dealers for a better business and entertainment environment in co-locating our show with Big Twin West,” said David Scott, Director of Communications for Custom Chrome. “This format gives us an opportunity to reward our loyal dealers and meet new customers in an exciting environment.”
Doing business as Custom Chrome, Santee, Custom Chrome Europe, Custom Chrome Far East and Motorcycle Stuff, Global Motorsport Group, Inc., designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes aftermarket motorcycle parts and accessories to a network of independent dealers throughout North America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific.
With over 50,000 unique product offerings, the company claims to be the largest independent supplier of aftermarket parts and accessories for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and commands significant market share in the broader motorcycle industry.