Motorcycle Industry Announces Moto Job Fair
Motorcycle Industry (MIJ) plans to hold its first “Moto Job Fair,” an event where all companies in the powersports industry in need of new employees are welcome to place as many help wanted ads as they like at no cost.
Moto Job Fair starts August 15 and runs through August 30. Ads will be posted to the MIJ website for free during these dates. Employers just need to email the ads to by August 14 to reserve their space. Moto Job Fair is the perfect opportunity for companies and job seekers get together and find that perfect employment match.
Also, for a limited time, employers who post a 30-day paid ad will receive free resume browsing and automated email notification services. Employers can browse through the resume database at their leisure and emails are sent directly to job seekers matching the criteria of the position posted. A single 30-day ad posting costs just $100.
For more information, visit