AIMExpo earns proclamation from Orange County, Florida
With the third annual American International Motorcycle Expo (AIMExpo) fast approaching, it was announced today that Florida’s Orange County, host region of the event, will recognize the groundbreaking event via proclamation for its impact on the greater powersports marketplace. With the proclamation, AIMExpo Motorcycle and Powersports Industry Week will be introduced for Orange County from October 12-18. The 2015 AIMExpo takes place from the Orange County Convention Center on October 15-18.
An excerpt from the proclamation reads, “AIMExpo continues to provide the powersports industry with a unique, comprehensive and all-in-one platform on which to conduct business; and whereas AIMExpo gathers hundreds of exhibiting companies and thousands of consumer and trade attendees in Orlando, Florida for the purpose of growing commerce; and whereas AIMExpo includes in its core mission the goal of improving motorcycling, the business of motorcycle and the lifestyle of motorcycling with dedicated safety programs as well as a comprehensive educational curriculum.”
“It is integral to have the support of the local community in order for an event of AIMExpo’s magnitude to be successful. Both Orange County and the OCCC have been important partners of AIMExpo since its inception and the proclamation is further proof that Orlando is an ideal venue to host such a groundbreaking event,” said Larry Little, VP and GM of AIMExpo. “It has been a privilege to call Orange County the proverbial home of AIMExpo the past two years and we know the third year is going to be the best one yet.”
By definition, proclamations are official government announcements reserved for matters of great importance. With its contributions to the improvement of both B2B and B2C business for the powersports marketplace, providing an unparalleled setting and platform to celebrate the industry and a boost to the local economy in Orange County, AIMExpo has successfully transformed the landscape of the powersports industry in just two years and is on a path to achieve even greater success for 2015.
More than 550 exhibitors have already committed to AIMExpo in 2015. Exhibitor presence builds each day and companies looking to take advantage of the AIMExpo platform should contact an AIMExpo Account Manager toll free at 855-MCShows (855-627-4697).
Be sure to stay tuned to the website and keep up to date on exciting news as it happens by visiting AIMExpo’s social media pages. “Like” the American International Motorcycle Expo on Facebook, and “Follow” on Twitter or Instagram: @AIMExpo.