You gotta believe in order to recieve
I have been doing sales training and hiring for the past 30 years. Often while flying to my destination I am asked what I do for a living. I think about it and say, “Nothing. I tell other people what to do, and they’re supposed to do it. I then get back on the plane and go home or head out to my next job.”
“How did you get good enough to do that?” I am frequently asked.
I tell them it is three things:
- I don’t lie
- I don’t scam
- I don’t keep secrets.
Numbers one and two are pretty self-explanatory, and I mean both 100 percent of the time. Number three is probably the biggest secret of all to have a successful sales career.
First, you must believe that you are selling a great product. You must believe that you work for a first-class dealership and that they will stand behind the product. You must sincerely desire to help the customer buy from you today.
That’s all great but it will do you no good if you keep it a secret.
Every dealership for the most part has the same bike in the same color at the same price. What we need to have is a stronger desire than our competition to get the business today. There are two ways we let our customers know this: we show them in our demeanor and tell them simply with words.
No customer should ever leave the dealership who did not hear more than once that we would love to earn their business today. They should be shown your operation with pride because it is built on pride. Whatever you do, don’t keep this a secret.
There are some other secrets we need to get reveled. Like, what bike is the customer interested in? Do they have one now? Are they married? If so, does the spouse ride? Do they plan on going on any long trips? So on and so forth. It’s called talk ping-pong. If you ask the question (ping), they will answer (pong). Back and forth we go as long as you wish to carry on the conversation.
Again, the customer knows he can get the same model elsewhere. The No. 1 thing that convinces them to buy from you is you. The fact that you shared your beliefs and desires to obtain their business, and you listened to their wants and desires by playing talk ping-pong will allow you to obtain your fare share of sales today and in the future.
Sales should be fun. It always has been for me. I do my best to make it fun to hear what others have to say, be it a customer on the floor or a student in one of my seminars. When training, I always tell my rhyme, “Believe and receive. Doubt and you’re out.” The best part is: You just gotta-wanna.
Steve Lemco is the youngest brother of the late Ed Lemco and has been doing sales training and hiring for motorcycle dealers since 1983. Steve has trained in every state in the U.S., as well as England, France, Australia and New Zealand. Steve incorporates motivational boards and games along with his training and hiring because he believes the best way to get the job done is to make it fun.
Phone: 253/826-6110