New BomBoard portable PWC gaining steam
The new BomBoard PWC appears to be gaining steam, and it’s doing so with Harley-Davidson CFO John Olin serving as an advisor of the Wisconsin-based company, according to the company’s website at
The BomBoard has found success on its Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, which sold out of its early-adopter perks. Later, BomBoard introduced a new perk, which offered a fully refundable down payment of $1,995 that will allow customers to save $1,000 and a second $995 perk that will allow supporters to save $500. Both perks allow customers more time to pay to pay the full amount or finance the balance at time of shipping.
After the $3,995 MSRP, BomBoard’s most interesting feature is its patented, lightweight modular design. Unlike other PWC, the BomBoard watercraft does not require the customer to buy a trailer, spend several hundred dollars per year on trailer state license plates or rent a monthly boat storage unit.
The BomBoard is easy to assemble. The side sponsons slide into place on each side of the Power Pod via stainless steel slide rails. The bow then slides into both sponsons and gets locked down to the Power Pod with two 1000-lbs. capacity latches. The unit is strong, secure and is very seaworthy and recently won the Consumer Products Award for the 2015 NASA Tech Briefs, “Create the Future Design Contest” for its leading-edge, durable design.

In addition to a low price, easy assembly, and convenient transportation, the BomBoard also has a very small footprint when it comes to storage. This means that is can be transported inside most cars/trucks and stored in closets, garages and on most boats when not in use.
The company is seeking to sell its BomBoards through an international network of brand ambassador resellers instead of the traditional channel of powersports dealer locations. Instead, the company will have its army of brand ambassadors show off the BomBoard at the waterways, provide demo rides and expose potential customers to the BomBoarding lifestyle and demonstrate how much fun people can have on lake and beach outings with their friends with a BomBoard.
Other prime boating resellers include marinas, resorts, vacation watercraft rentals or water skiing parks that would like to buy several watercraft to serve as rental units and/or demo units and then recommend that their rental customers buy one after enjoying a day of fun in the sun on a BomBoard watercraft. Resellers introduce potential customers to the deal, earn a commission when the customer chooses to buy and then BomBoard drop ships a unit right to the customer’s home, condo or apartment.
BomBoard offers a program that allows anyone who refers 20 people who end up buying a BomBoard watercraft to earn enough sales commissions to own their own personal wave bomber with no money out-of-pocket.