
UN dedicates efforts to road safety

The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2011-20 the Decade of Action for Road Safety with a goal of decreasing fatalities caused by crashes on the road worldwide.

Each day, 3,500 are killed in road crashes across the globe. Because of that, the UN has created this campaign aimed “to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level or road traffic fatalities around the world.”

To achieve that goal, the group has launched an awareness and fundraising campaign. To get the message about the effort out, tags reading, “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020” are being sold on the campaign’s website, www.decadeofaction.org. Donors are also asked to help raise funds for road injury prevention programs in developing countries and advocacy. Private companies and corporations can also become official supporters, and non-profits can use the Decade of Action symbol freely by accepting the campaign’s terms and conditions.

Motoress, a company aimed at women riders, has already voiced its support for the UN’s efforts. Founder Vicki Gray presented at the first Decade of Action event this decade that occurred May 25-27 in Cayuga, Ontario. The Experienced Riders Training Symposium, brought together experienced instructors from across the world, and it was organized by the Canadian Motorcycle Association and the Canada Safety Council for the Federation Internationale de Motorcyclisme. The next ERTS will take place in 2013 in Sweden, Motoress reported.

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