Nov. 2, 2009 – ATV Digest
Polaris awarded $2.4 million military contract
Polaris Defense was awarded a $2.4 million contract by the National Guard Bureau for its Ranger 800 Crew side-by-side, according to a company press release.
“The National Guard’s state-side mission to protect the homeland and respond to disasters fits Polaris vehicles extremely well,” Mark McCormick, managing director of Polaris Defense, said in the release. “Our all-wheel drive, multi-passenger, off-road vehicles provide a cost-effective capability well-suited for the demands of the National Guard. “This is a big win for Polaris and our defense business. As an American company, we are committed to providing quality vehicles to the U.S. military and this contract is a great example of our commitment to that goal.” Polaris Defense said it won the
contract in an open competition conducted by the National Guard Bureau.
Yamaha Motor Corp. names latest GRANT winners
Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A., has announced recent winners for its GRANTs (Guaranteeing Responsible Access to our Nation’s Trails).
These GRANTs have been given to organizations that are leading efforts to support sustainable, open riding areas.
Recipients in the third quarter included:
•Birdseye Mountain ATV Club, Vt.;
•City of Evarts, Ky.;
•Cle Elum Ranger District, Ore.;
•Dubois County Dirt Riders;
•Off Road Riders Association;
•Offroad Riders Matter Association;
•Oregon Department of Forestry;
•Western Slope ATV Association.