Fourth V-Twin Expo set for Cincy
Jim Betlach’s business philosophy is simple: He doesn’t try to be all things to all people, and in the business of trade show management that translates into focusing your show on a specific target audience.
In Betlach’s case, that means as executive producer of the fourth V-Twin Expo he continues to aim it at those people doing business in the Harley-Davidson cruiser segment of the motorcycle market.
The V-Twin Expo will be held Jan. 31-Feb. 2 at the Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. All three halls will be used this year to house some 300 companies in more than 700 booth spaces. By comparison, the Expo rented 556 booths in 2002, up from 340 booths rented in 2001. The number of companies exhibiting in 2002 was 269, according to a show report, up from 188 the previous year.
Betlach notes that the Expo has had good success with professional seminars in the past and that service will be expanded this year.
Last year, Betlach offered an engine performance seminar, and the response was so large that two additional rooms had to be added to the presentation area.
An engine-powertrain seminar will be held this year in addition to a Q&A panel discussion focusing on electronic fuel injection.
Respected industry trainer John Wyckoff will offer a customer service seminar this year, and ProQuest will host a seminar on inventory management.
And, as in years past, perhaps the highlight of the event will be the V-Twin Industry Awards reception Saturday evening.
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