BlueRibbon Backs OHV Rule
The BlueRibbon Coalition said it backs the new Forest Service’s final “Off-road-vehicle Management Rule” announced by USFS Chief Dale Bosworth. The rule will restrict off-road motor vehicles to designated routes and areas agency wide.
A key component of this new rule is that the agency can still designate “open” areas where appropriate. “Some areas are appropriate for an ‘open’ designation and we are glad that provision is still in the Rule,” said Clark Collins, BlueRibbon Coalition founder and executive director. OHV recreationists now need to work with their local Forest Service office to ensure that all the routes they use are included in a complete and accurate trail inventory, he said. “Keeping your favorite trails a secret is a sure fire recipe for disaster,” according to Collins. “If they aren’t included in the inventory they are certain to not be designated.”
The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. 1-800-258-3742.