Zero Motorcycles releases short video
Zero has just released a fun short video titled “For Us?” which taps directly into a core quandary for motorcycle riders: How do I explain the motorcycle I just bought to my partner?
The video departs from the more standard motorcycle riding videos we’ve done in the past by featuring a humorous storyline, and focusing on the fun you have along the journey vs. the ride itself.
About the Video
Whether to themselves, or to others, everyone has been in the position of trying to justify something they want, however, when justifying an electric motorcycle purchase there are many more logical and obvious reasons why it’s a better solution for most situations than gasoline (less expensive to own overall, no routine powertrain maintenance, more torque, etc).
Purchasing an electric vehicle, in our case an electric motorcycle, is both exciting and makes sense. Most people don’t think of an electric vehicle purchase as a passion/impulse buy. We believe “For Us?” is the first video to use this angle.
The creative concept originated with Zero, while independent filmmaker, Ian Schiller, brought it to life.
About Ian Schiller
Ian Schiller wrote and directed the video that was shot by Devin Whetstone and produced by Liars and Thieves out of San Francisco.
Ian Schiller is a bourgeoning director with a strong narrative voice and visual style. He’s written a short, “Hog’s Tooth,” that played at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013 and recently he directed in his narrative short debut Kong’s, a neo noir tale that has made the festival rounds. His previous work experience and clients include Apple, The Detroit Red Wings, Specialized, The UFC, and Intel. Ian was the driving force in producing this video for Zero.