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AIMExpo still on schedule despite hurricane

With Hurricane Matthew projected to move north along eastern Florida through Friday, October 7, we want to update AIMExpo attendees on any potential impact to the schedule for AIMExpo.

The latest weather forecast as of Thursday afternoon, October 6 for Orlando, Florida, indicates the storm’s direct impact will be concentrated locally through Thursday evening and all day Friday. 

AIMExpo operations staff is on the ground in Florida and monitoring the situation closely, and at this time we anticipate no effect on the show’s operations timetable. Targeted exhibitors who are scheduled to move in on Monday, October 10 and may be travelling on Sunday, October 9 should check individual airlines flight schedules. As of Thursday afternoon, the Orlando International Airport is scheduled to close Thursday evening at 8 p.m. local and resume operations on Saturday morning, October 8. 

For current airport info, follow Orlando International Airport on Facebook.

The published move-in schedule for AIMExpo begins Tuesday morning and we anticipate no disruption in the schedule at this time, subject to evaluation following the storm’s passing. The Orange County Convention Center has indicated to the AIMExpo team on the ground that preliminary show operations scheduled for Saturday, October 8, will continue as planned.

AIMExpo will provide another update Saturday October 8 at and on AIMExpo’s Facebook page.

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