AMA honored with innovation award for program
News Release
The American Motorcyclist Association won first place in the 2015 Showalter Political Involvement Program Innovation Award competition, announced Dec. 11 in Naples, Fla., at the annual Innovate to Motivate conference.
Innovate to Motivate was founded in 2001 to provide advanced curriculum for experienced political-involvement professionals. Winning organizations must demonstrate innovative programs and results from their innovations.
During 2015, the AMA revamped its advocacy outreach to strengthen its position as the voice of the motorcycle community before national, state and local legislatures. That effort included the creation of a fully integrated advocacy resource center that serves as an information storehouse for all issues related to motorcycling and government.
“At the core is the belief that AMA members and advocates should be informed of the processes of government relations,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president of government relations. “The changes affected real-world outcomes, such as preventing unfair dirt-bike bans in select counties.”
“The AMA went beyond traditional D.C.-based lobbying to create eye-catching content that educated its members and encouraged action,” said Showalter judge Mike Amery of the American Academy of Neurology. “Their success through increased participation was profound and made possible by the utilization of diverse techniques designed to reach different membership sectors.”
The Showalter Innovation Award recognizes innovations and results in the grassroots and political action committee profession. Among the past winners are companies like Pfizer, International Paper, Southwest Airlines, Kraft Foods, and New York Life. Past nonprofit winners include The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Citizens for a Sound Economy and the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network. Trade associations / professional societies who have been honored include the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Academy of Neurology, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Rocky Mountain Insurance Institute, and the National Association of Manufacturers.
The Innovation Award is voted on by previous Innovation Award winners and leaders in the Innovate to Motivate community.