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Sea-Doo reveals “What’s next?” contest

News Release

BRP is preparing for the launch of the highly anticipated 2016 Sea-Doo watercraft line by offering a chance at one of five $1,000 prizes* towards a new of unused Sea-Doo model or Sea-Doo parts, accessories and clothing for thoughts on WHAT’S NEXT.

BRP is the world leader in watercraft sales, a result of continual industry leading innovation to improve the Sea-Doo owners’ riding experience making good days on the water great. The Sea-Doo SPARK model has been the catalyst for BRP’s ability to re-spark the industry making the dream of owning a Sea-Doo watercraft a reality for a much more broad audience. The 2016 Sea-Doo line will be launched Friday, September 18 at 10h30PM EST and is poised to extend the heritage of introducing benchmark-setting watercraft.

Watercraft enthusiasts and water lovers alike can go to starting Tuesday, September 8 to provide their guess as to how Sea-Doo is taking watercraft riding to the next level in 2016. Visitors simply enter their information and provide their thoughts on what the Sea-Doo design and engineering teams have been developing and perfecting and what will be introduced on September 18. Five random entrants will be chosen and rewarded with $1000 towards the purchase of a new or unused Sea-Doo model or Sea-Doo parts, accessories and clothing.

The conversation will extend to the Sea-Doo social media channels as visitors are offered 10 days of sneak peek looks at “What Comes Next” starting on September 8 up to the September 18 launch.

*For complete contest rules and details visit


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