Harley-Davidson study reveals women riders are happier
News Release
Soon, women everywhere will be thinking about New Year’s resolutions they could make to live a more fulfilled life in 2014 and beyond. Once they make those resolutions, they may turn to self-help books, fad diets and online advice to try and make them a reality. But who knew that the key to happiness might be where women least expect — out on the open road, and on two wheels.
A new study shows that women who ride their own motorcycles are noticeably happier — in life, in relationships, and even in the bedroom — than women who don’t ride.
The study, conducted by Kelton and commissioned by Harley-Davidson, interviewed 1,013 adult female riders and 1,016 adult female non-riders, and the findings make it clear that riding a motorcycle greatly improves a woman’s feelings of overall self-worth. Key insights surrounding women who ride motorcycles in comparison to those who don’t include the following:
- More than twice as many always feel happy (37 percent of riders vs. 16 percent of non-riders)
- Nearly four times as many always feel sexy (27 percent of riders vs. 7 percent of non-riders)
- Nearly twice as many always feel confident (35 percent of riders vs. 18 percent of non-riders)
According to the study, more than half (53 percent) of women who ride cite their motorcycle as a key source of happiness and nearly three in four (74 percent) believe their lives have improved since they started riding.
“Riding a motorcycle is the ultimate form of freedom and self-expression, so it makes sense that women riders are happier in life and, in general, feel more fulfilled,” said Claudia Garber, Director of Women’s Outreach for Harley-Davidson. “That’s why learning to ride a motorcycle is the perfect gift you can give yourself and the best resolution to make for a truly life-changing new year.”
Riding Improves Relationships
Beyond positively impacting a woman’s sense of self, the study also shows riding can improve relationships. When it comes to romance, women who ride leave non-riders in their dust, being more content with:
- Communication with their significant other (60 percent of riders vs. 38 percent of non-riders)
- Physical intimacy (51 percent of riders vs. 35 percent of non-riders).
Stress can cause tension between significant others, but since more than a third (34 percent) of women riders report that they now feel less stressed after starting to ride, it’s not surprising that 50 percent of them are extremely satisfied with the state of their current relationships.
Where Women Can Get Started
Women can jumpstart their journey to live a more fulfilled life in 2014 and beyond by learning to ride a motorcycle. Women are encouraged to visit the Women Riders section of the Harley-Davidson website at www.h-d.com/women. The site equips women with a number of tools to start their journey toward riding, including testimonials, overviews of motorcycles and gear, and news about special Harley-Davidson Garage Party events designed to give women hands-on demos and tips in a comfortable environment. Women can search for a Garage Party™ in their area at www.h-d.com/garageparty.
The site also features information about Harley-Davidson’s Rider’s Edge New Rider Course, which is offered at select dealerships around the country. The course features 25 hours of expert guidance in the classroom, as well as the practice range, where you’ll learn everything you need to know to ride with confidence. To sign up for a Rider’s Edge course at your local dealership, visit www.h-d.com/mytime.
Motorcycles are not just for men, women can enjoy them just as much. They are for anyone who wants to enjoy cruising on a bike.