PWC sales improving in 2012
Warm weather this spring gave sales an early boost that left questions as to whether the trend would hold through summer or be tempered by Q1 sales. However, sales of 15-foot or greater powerboats continued to grow by 10 percent year-over-year amongst Bellwether states in August, according to the latest figures from the Info-Link Technologies Bellwether report. The data is based on new U.S. boat registrations.
The 10 percent growth of the powerboat market during August was driven largely by continued year-over-year growth for the outboard boat market, which was up by 12.5 percent for the 5th straight month among the bellwether states. Sales for PWCs improved in both Bellwether states and across the nation.
Ski boats and PWCs had a drastic improvement over 2011 this summer, spending July and August at a 5 percent improvement in sales in 2012.
Sale trends for PWCs amongst all states trended right in line with the Bellwether average from June, with PWC sales up 2.5 percent for all states in June compared to last year.
Bellwether states are geographically dispersed states representing roughly half of the US boat market (which varies by market segment and time of year). Full graphs are available here: Info-Link Bellwether Report.