Pro Motorsports of Fond du Lac Inc. – Fond du Lac, WI – Sept. 3, 2007
Pro Motorsports of Fond du Lac Inc.
86 N. Rolling Meadows Drive
Fond du Lac, Wis. 54937
Bob Wojcik
Business Profile
Pro Motorsports of Fond du Lac owner Bob Wojik started in the industry straight out of high school in the 1970s and has been in the industry ever since. The family owned Pro Motorsports was derived from a previous owner who sold cars and powersports, but chose to steer away from the powersports industry and move completely into the auto industry. Wojik took advantage of the opportunity, and altered the dealership to sell purely powersports in 1992. He originally started with just a couple brands but has been gradually expanding ever since. They currently sell Arctic Cat, Can-Am, Honda, Sea-Doo, Ski-Doo, Suzuki and Yamaha. However, Wojcik is not planning on adding any more brands because the building is running out of space, he said.
Greatest Concern
The instability of the market in general raises Wojik’s eyebrows. “All you have to do is look at the stock market,” he said. “There can be rapid changes; there isn’t real stability.” He’s not worrying much right now, but he said it will be interesting to see what happens this fall with snowmobiles and ATVs.
What’s Hot
One product that hasn’t been selling a lot but has sparked a lot of interest from consumers is the Can-Am Spyder. Although Wojik said they wouldn’t be adding any more brands, he did say if another line like the Spyder came out in a brand they offer, he would try to make adjustments to sell it.
Customer Buying Trends
Scooters and motorcycles are the common want among customers this summer, Wojik said. A lot of the increase in demand comes from high gas prices, and scooters and motorcycles provide somewhat of a relief, from those high prices. “I’ve even been seeing a lot more older bikes come in for repair, from the 1980s. People try to salvage their old bikes that have been stored away for awhile,” he said.
Parts and Service
With their experienced technicians, service is an area that Pro Motorsports prides itself on. Wojik said one of their techs has been in the business nearly as long as he has. “It has benefits because with gas prices being high, people are coming in with older bikes.” Wojik explained. “Other dealers usually can’t help these customers because some of the bikes were made before their technicians were even born.” The parts and accessories part of his business has been growing, Wojik said. It goes hand-in-hand with motorcycles, so as they’ve seen cycle sales go up, so has their aftermarket products. At Pro Motorsports, Wojik says he works hard to keep a variety of accessories with a wide range of price ranges — something that’s a right fit for each of his customers.
Promotional Home runs
Pro Motorsports does a lot of product demos at the dealership because it not only brings in customers, but it ensures makes sure the customer picks the right product. The first week in August, they did Can-Am Spyder demos every day since there was so much interest. “Any time you can do a dealer promo it’s great for customers because they are more comfortable with their purchase having ridden it rather than just heard about it,” Wojik said. Plus it’s good to find customers the exact bike they think they want because then they’ll most likely be satisfied and more likely to return.
Words of Advice
“You don’t always have to do what the manufacturer wants or tells you to do,” Wojik said. “In the end, you are the one who has to deal with it and sell it.”
— Karin Gelschus