Service Providers

Aim for success

Mark Mooney Blog“Paralyze resistance with persistence.” — Woody Hayes

Success does not happen by accident. It takes planning and a desire to attain what might not seem possible at times. It’s about the commitments we make as individuals to doing things to the best of our abilities, and how we sustain those endeavors. It’s about what we do, how we do it and more importantly, what we won’t do. It’s knowing that the ethics and integrity of our business is a reflection of what we expect of ourselves. It’s setting the bar as high as we can and mentoring those that are in our charge to do the same.

True success is not measured by what we make, or don’t. It’s about what we accomplish of our own chosen purpose. It’s about knowing that personal success is an ongoing journey that should be shared. What is our lasting success, if it can’t be shared by others? Affluence and opulence does not mean you made it folks, and it’s only temporary anyway.

Here are a couple of thoughts to ponder. Does your own prosperity include the prosperity of others? Don’t forget about how you got to where you are. Share.

Is the example you set daily to others how you would want others to act? How we model ourselves is often how others in our charge will model themselves. Your business is a reflection of you. You set the bar.

Do you mentor and educate? Never lose sight of the difference you can make in the future success of others. We are charged with preparing the way for the generations that come after us. Prepare them.

And lastly and most importantly, does your success bring you happiness? Whatever you do in your business life, or your personal life, have a great time doing it.

Let me tell you guys and gals, the Powersports Business Institute@ AIMExpo in Orlando, Florida was grrreat. If you didn’t attend, put it on your bucket list for next year folks. The enthusiasm for our industry was evident from the very beginning. What was also evident from the beginning was the care in how the event was put together.

From the classes offered to strengthen our businesses, to the vendors and OEMs that consistently bring new products to the market, to Powersports Business and the AIMExpo event planners, well done! You set the bar. It was a great success!

Have a great Thanksgiving everybody…MM

Mark Mooney is director, retail performance for Pied Piper Management Company LLC, a Monterey, Calif., company that works with motor vehicle manufacturers and dealers to maximize performance of dealerships. One of Pied Piper’s most popular services for the powersports industry is Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) sales mystery shopping to help turn more motorcycle shoppers into motorcycle buyers. Learn more about the Powersports Business Institute @ AIMExpo sessions here, and click here for free registration to AIMExpo.


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