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Are your Facebook fans talking about you?

Laura Reinders Blog 1-13Having a large base of Facebook users who have “liked” your page is great, but it’s more important to know how many of those users are actively engaged with your page. Facebook’s “Talking About This” metric provides that insight.

Viewable to anybody, the number of people talking about your Facebook page is tracked just beneath your company name along with likes and check-in counters. Concerning your own page, however, you have access to a more specific analysis. Your page’s Insight summary is found above the cover photo on your Facebook page. Select “see all” and tab over to the “Talking About This” metric to retrieve these details.

Here, you can view comprehensive reports on who was talking about your page and how they were doing it within any 1-92 day range. When people “Talk About” your page, it means they interact with it in a way that creates a newsfeed story. These actions include: comments, shares and likes to your posts; page likes; check-ins; posts to your page by others; question and event responses; mentions; and photo tags. You can view the popularity breakdown of the different methods under the “How People are Talking About Your Page” section. Each of the resulting stories have the ability to reach additional Facebook users by being published on somebody’s newsfeed. The Viral Reach graph to the right indicates that measure. If your page had more than 30 people talking about it within a week prior to your selected date range, the “Who” portion provides data on those active users’ age, gender, and location.

Improving the “Talking About This” tally improves your dealership’s Edgerank. A high population of users talking about your page indicates a highly engaged audience. Not only does that mean your fans are interested and your relationship with them is strong, but it means you become more visible in the Facebook newsfeed of users beyond just your fans. Boosting your likeability and reach begins with the content you produce. Make your Facebook page more accessible by linking it from your website, newsletters and emails. Post regularly and include calls to action when applicable. Encourage engagement directly with incentives like competitions or coupons. Lastly, keep track of the analytics you have access to. Find out what methods work best for your dealership and where you could improve. Once you can see who interacts with your page most often, you can begin targeting your communication toward a specific segment to expand on that relationship.

Laura Reinders is the marketing manager for PowerSports Network and Traffic Log Pro.



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