WMT names Final Salute as official charity for Suffragists Centennial Ride
Women’s Motorcycle Tours (WMT) has announced Final Salute as the official charity for the 2021 Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride (SCMR2021) and The Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference from August 19 to 22, 2021.
“When I first heard about Final Salute, I was absolutely shocked that I’d never even given a thought to the plight of female veterans in need… Of course there are female Veterans, but if I was overlooking them… Final Salute does so much for our female veterans, and I want to support them in supporting our lady vets,” said Alisa Clickenger, Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride and Women’s Motorcycle Festival and Conference Event producer in the announcement. “I hope to help raise awareness of their plight by talking about them at my events and choosing to support them with a sizable donation.”
A woman veteran and cancer survivor who became aware of the many homeless women veterans in the United States founded Final Salute Inc. in 2010. Since the Revolutionary War, more than 2 million women have served in the armed forces.
For each registered rider participating in the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride and attendee to the Women’s Cycle Festival & Conference, a $10-$50 donation will be given to Final Salute, Inc. to support their mission and goals for helping women veterans. Attendees to the Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference, August 19-22 will also have an opportunity to meet members of this organization and make a donation. Learn more about how your support will help them reach their goals: https://centennialride.com/final-salute-inc/